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From the early days of the Church, a Creed was a simple statement of Christian faith.

Creeds expanded in the early Church to clarify Christianity from schisms that attempted to

redefine what a Christian should believe. At the most fundamental level, the Creeds state

that God is the Creator; that Christ was born of a Virgin, died for our sins, resurrected and

ascended into Heaven; and that we are gifted with Eternal life.

Here are links to the most popular Creeds held by most Christians from Apostolic times.

In the Articles of Faith you will find the teachings of the early Church reaffirmed as

relevant in the Reformation and for all time.

We continue the Apostolic Tradition of Bishop, the senior minister of the church. And Priests,

the assistant ministers under the Bishop. And Deacons, the servants of the church assisting

the Bishop and Priests. Since the founding of the Church by our Lord, we continue in the

Traditional faith and are in fellowship with like ministries.

This is a church where you can learn and apply Bible teachings without the distractions

common in many ministries today. Thanks for visiting our page, hope you will plan to visit

us soon.